Friday, November 6, 2015


Image result for gold organza loa
(League of Angels) Gold Organza Outfit
The first outfit I won in an event (My first outfit I bought was Angel of Death) which was on Hazael (maybe?)

Image result for league of angels floe hunter
(League of Angels) Floe Hunter Mount
My favorite mount from Ethereal Plains s1361

(League of Angels) Celestial Hunter mount *evolved version of Floe Hunter*
The first mount I synthed from shards 

Image result for loa earthshaker
(League of Angels) Earthshaker hero
My first ever hero from an event 

Image result for league of angels dark paladin
(League of Angels) Dark Paladin
My favorite hero 

Everything from LoA was from Ethereal Plains s1361, which I no longer play on
(Sorry, Reed ;-;)

The second or third anime I ever watched

Related image
(My Little Pony) Mane 6
One of the best shows out there

Image result for asuna and kirito
(Sword Art Online S1) Asuna and Kirito
One of my most favorite shows

~You humans know too much about me already~ o3o

In all seriousness...
- I tend to be quiet
- Some say I'm nice (I highly disagree but hey, what do I know?)
- Other say I have potential to do a lot of things (which I do, I'm just really lazy and being a teen I feel a lot more careless towards a lot of things :/)
- I really like parentheses (anyone else or am I lonely? :c)
- Some say I'm a good writer (What? Why tho? -.-)
- I don't give myself enough credit for anything I do...
      - Tbh I don't know the reason for this. If I were to give to options that would best suit me they would be, because I feel like I'm bragging or because I'm just not proud enough
- I really like to compare myself to others and beat myself up over stupid little things
- *sigh*

Core Values

1. Stay safe and alive
2. Be lazy
3. Be scared...of everything...
4. Care for people (even if they're a complete stranger ^-^)

Alright, like, I don't actually have any. I don't think I care enough...


- Be honest
- Be as creative as possible
- Care for people as often as possible
- Nurture when required
- Be respectful to everyone
- Work hard and play just as hard
- Love your family, biological and not
- Don't waste resources
- Remain open-minded in all situations
- Stay optimistic

Short Term goals

Personal: Get ROBLOX unblocked.  To get it unblocked so I can play it, I'll need to do my chores, stop making messes, and stop arguing (and having no fun at all :c). I will know that my goal is complete because I can play it again. To achieve this goal I must be grounded from basically everything in the house so I can't leave things everywhere and to have no fun. I might also need to stop talking to my parents even though I should talk to them more than I do now, if I stopped talking to them that would fix my arguing problem. The reason I want ROBLOX unblocked is because I got friends on that game (OoO). I would like to complete by December 4 of 2015. ^-^
Personal: I would like to get my allowance...*silently sobs in dark corner*. I hardly ever get my allowance when I'm told I would, so I would like to fix that. To do this, I would need to talk to parents and do my chores like I'm supposed to *cough cough*. I will know when my goal is complete because I will be my allowance (consistently) on the date I'm told I will get it. The reason why I want my allowance at all is because...I want to spend it on video games (Rebel....O.O). I'm supposed to get my allowance sometime in the next couple of weeks but I don't really remember when...(I hope I can remember to put something here)
Academic: I want to finish my math homework for the rest of the trimester. To do this, I need to stop playing my game long enough to be bored. If I'm bored than I may want to do math homework. My goal will be completed on December 4, 2015 because I will see my report card score. I want to improve my math grade is because maybe, just maybe, my parents will give me money if I got good enough grades. This goal will be completed on December 4, 2015. The one milestone that I do have is November 19. I would like to check how much homework I have REALLY done instead of how much I thought I've done. (o3o)
Academic: I would like to catch up with independent studies (a class about studying something that I picked. I picked Satan and Satan in certain religions). To get caught up I have to put extra time into the paper that is due, I have to come up with an interesting thesis statement, and I have to finish the outline. I'll need help from my mother (e.e) because she is actually, really, good at papers and things. I have to complete the paper that's due BEFORE Thanksgiving break ends. A milestone, maybe on November 21, just to see where I'm at. If i haven't worked on it, then that it was I'm going to spend my day doing.
Academic: The last school-like goal I want to complete is checking how my social studies grades are (if I can't know, then I should at least try). I honestly feel like I'm failing my social studies class because my brain just does not history (dat grammar doe :3). To fix this, I should talk to my teacher about my grades and see if there  is anything I can do. I think it may be more of an emotional problem. If it is, than I can go over all of the assignments I know I have done and what I haven't done. I can also think about when I actually speak up in class (as this is one of my BIGGEST problems). I will know when I have completed this goal because either my teacher will tell me...or I will get my report card. I don't really care how I find out just as long as I know I'm not failing. If my grades are extra money for me. :c


Personal: Walking has started as a stress reliever but it quickly became a thing for me to do when I'm bored, or if I want something else to do. From this, I have realized that I can't walk for long periods of time without experiencing pain in my left leg. I noticed that the more I walk and the longer I walk for the more tolerant I am to this pain, with work, I would eventually begin to completely forget about it. So, my goal is to walk farther than I normally can. I will have achieved this goal when I have walked farther.
Personal: My second personal goal would be to stop playing League of Angels and Roblox long enough to eat dinner in a slowish manner. I got Roblox unblocked, but I can't stop playing it now...along with League of Angels.
Academic: This goal is to just get better at math. In the past, I have always hated my grades in math class but I was too lazy to change that. This trimester (hopefully year) will be different. Whether I like it or not, I'm going to do my math homework and get better grades. This goal will be completed when I see my report card.
Academic: Another academic goal would be to stay organized. Lately, I haven't been and I would like to change that. To do this, I want to get into the habit of not leaving my stuff in different piles and instead, by putting my stuff into my backpack when I'm done.


Personal: I would like to have more self control over what I do, especially concerning my health. Biting my lip and tearing skin off of it is my newest habit. I do that when I'm upset, pissed off, or I feel the need to bite my nails (which is habit and I do whether I'm upset about something or not) but I can't. I would like to stop that since, ya know, that's unhealthy and all. To do this, I need many, many, many more mints or I need to just, well, not bite my lip. I'm unsure of how to just stop but I think with a combination of anti-biting tactics I should be able to stop biting my lip at least. My nails, which is still a goal, will be postponed.
Personal: I would like to stop biting my nails as well since I have also started biting the skin. To stop I would need to, welp, I don't know, maybe stop biting my nails and try other methods. The method that I'm using currently is to eat mints anytime I feel like I need to bite my nails. This and the first goal will be completed a long, long time from now. Hopefully, of course, I'll stop soon...

Mid Term goals

Personal: ???
Academic: ???
Academic: ???

I think this is the hardest to fill out... u.u

Long Term goals

Personal: Stop arguing with my mother. I will reach this goal by starting to listen to her, acknowledge her existence and I will do what I'm told when I'm told to do it. I'll know when I reach my goal because she and I won't be fighting with her constantly and I won't be grounded as often. I need advice from other people to help me. I want to achieve it by the time I'm 27, 2020.

Academic: Learn some new note-taking strategies. To do this, I'll need the internet, time and the motivation to do the research required. My goal will be complete because I'll be able to change how I take notes depending on the class. The easier and quicker I can take notes, (hopefully) the better I can do on test and stuff which is obviously a good thing, as I feel like I'm failing classes. I don't think I'll need any extra help. I want to complete this by June 27, 2020.


Personal: Develop the motivation to get a job...and get that job that I (theoretically) have the motivation for. As much as I love suckering money out of my parents, there will come a time when I can't do that (which I'm not happy about, mind you) and unfortunately, at some point in my life, I'll need to take care of myself for a change. Bummer. Chances are I won't start working on this until I have more self control and discipline but I'll get there eventually. If the control and discipline part doesn't help or drive me to want to complete this, then I'm just going to have to deal with it, arn't I? Since I'm too young for anything I want to do this will probably end up happening when I'm a few years...hopefully it'll be completed by the time I'm 18.

Personal and Academic (Is this even possible?): Learn self-control and self-discipline. I would like for this goal to be completed as soon as possible, but right now, it'll take longer than hoped for even with help. This is an academic and personal goal because I need control to stop biting my nails (and other nasty habits I have developed in the few years I've been a teen) and I need discipline to force myself to not do things or do things, depending on the situation.

Another personal and academic goal: Jeez, Kahla, what are you thinking?! Yeah, I know, anyway I want to finish writing a piece. When I write, I'll start something, get bored, then leave it for a while, then I have an assignment or I'm bored out of mind so I'll take a piece that I left four years ago, re-write, get bored, leave it, and repeating. So, I want to FINISH a piece. As in have an ending. Not just, "She sat there and wai". Yep, found that as the last (not even complete) sentence. Never wanted to look at it again, tbh. Again, probably by the time I'm 18 unless I choose to write a story and it continues on for the rest of my life...or I need to write multiple books...then it would be until I die. Wow, look at me, I'm just a ray of sunshine. x_x



As a future career, I want to work with kids in some way, preferably kids older than two but younger than ten.

My Learning Style

Auditory: 45%
Tactile: 40%
Visual: 15%

"If you are an auditory learner, you learn by hearing and listening. You understand and remember things you have heard. You store information by the way it sounds, and you have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. You often learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it. As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk to yourself or others if you become bored. People may think you are not paying attention, even though you may be hearing and understanding everything being said." Education Planner

Things auditory learners should do:
1. Sit where you can hear
2. Have your hearing checked fairly regularly
3. Read flashcards out loud to learn new words
4. Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud
5. Have test questions read to you out loud
6. Read new material aloud
7. Record yourself spelling words and listen to the recording

How to improve my auditory learning way of learning (Correct grammar? Idea none u.u):
1. Practice studying with pictures, diagrams, charts, and maps
2. Work on creating pictures in my mind while reading
3. Watch videos on things more often
4. Use highlighters and flashcards.
5. When taking notes, put some symbols down instead of words.

How to improve my tactile way of learning:
1. "Participate in activities that involve touching. building, moving, or drawing"  ~ Education Planner
2.  Practice doing more hands-on things or chew gum, walk around, or rock in a chair while studying
3. Arrange flashcards to show certain ideas
4. Try taking lots of little breaks when working
5. Try using a computer to help (This is the new excuse as to why I should play the computer more. I'm "learning" while playing a video game...c:)


Personality Indicator


Approximately 10% of the population.

Modest about their abilities.
Do not like disagreements
Do not force their opinion on others
Often loyal followers

People with the ISFP personality type are often creative and they excel in fine arts (most if not all of the time). Gifted painters, sculptors, choreographers, film makers, songwriters, chefs, decorators, or fashion show designers are most likely to be an ISFP because they are passionate and naturally creative.

- Charming
- Sensitive to others
- Imaginative
- Passionate
- Curious
- Artistic

- Fiercely independent
- Unpredictable
- Easily stressed
- Overly competitive
- Changing self-esteem

This helps me because I know what kinds of people I can deal with and what kinds of activities I can deal with. Say someone wanted me to write a 19 page paper in two days...yeah no...not happening (sorry, bro...). It can also help me understand what I can do in school. I could figure out how my strengths are helping my grades, what are unimproving (huh? Deproving? reverse improving?) my grades, and what I can do about my classmates...if they start causing problems...

Intelligence Type

Naturalist Traits: 
- Identifying similar and different traits in objects and in living things.
- Grouping objects and living things by their traits.
- Understanding and determining hierarchies - how different groups should be organized
- Awareness and sensitivity to living things and the environment
- Ability in caring for and interacting with plants, animals and the natural environment

Musical Traits:
- Distinguishing pitch, rhythm, dynamics and timbre in music and other sounds
- Awareness of timing and rhythm in sounds and movement
- Emotional connection to music and sound
- Use of music, rhythm and patterns to enhance memory
- Detection and use of tones in speech and language

Top 5 careers:
- Farmer or rancher
- Embalmer
- Curator
- Environmental scientist and protection technicians (including health)
- Agriculture sciences teacher or post secondary

This helps me because I know what I can tolerate, what I can stretch and what I just can't do...for when I'm older. This can also help me understand who I am along with my Personality Indicator* and My Learning Style**.

*Jumps directly to that thingy...don't worry...I won't get you into any trouble (I'n nice like that :3).
**Same with the first one...both of the links will take you to another page on this thingy. Blogger, is it called?

Transferable skills

Transferable Skills
Clear & Effective Communication
Creative & Practical Problem Solving
Responsible & Involved Citizenship
Informed & Integrative Thinking

Habits of Mind
Manage impulsivity & take responsible risks
Listen  with understanding and empathy
Think flexibly
Think about thinking (Metacognition)
Strive for accuracy
Gather data through all senses
Create, imagine, and innovate
Respond with wonderment and awe
Find humor
Think interdependently
Remain open to continuous learning

Facets of Understanding

ATA Expectations

My Achievements